PT. Bangun Baja Cipta Mandiri is Looking for a Drafter, Is That You?

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Info kali ini datang dari PT. Bangun Baja Cipta Mandiri yang membuka lowongan pekerjaan dengan posisi Drafter/Konstruksi Bangunan. Jika kamu merupakan alumni atau mahasiswa teknik sipil ITATS, silahkan langsung daftar, jangan menunggu lebih lama lagi. Memang setiap pekerjaan tidaklah mudah untuk dilamar, karena seringkali ada beberapa kualifikasi dan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh applicant. Tentu saja applicant yang dicari haruslah sesuai dengan kriteria standar Perusahaan tersebut yang sedang mencari kandidat potensial untuk siap bekerja. Semoga beruntung dan semangat. berikut adalah informasi lengkap mengenai perusahaan PT. Bangun Baja Cipta Mandiri.

Company History

PT. Bangun Baja Cipta Mandiriwas founded in Bekasi on December 4th, 1997 when the monetary crisis was happening in Indonesia. Begin as a subcontractor for large contractor in Indonesia, this company has done many Metal Work projects. Until now, this company has already become a Steel Fabricator and General Contractor.

Since 1997 until now, PT. Bangun Baja Cipta Mandiri are still entrusted in helping large contractors such as: PT. Total Bangun Persada Tbk, PT. BAM Decorient Indonesia, PT. Tatamulia Nusantara Indah, PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk, PT. Wijaya Kusuma Contractors, etc.

PT. Bangun Baja Cipta Mandiri scope of works:

  • Steel Structure Fabrication and Erection
  • Warehouse Building
  • Architecture and Civil Building
  • Steel Structure for Oil and Gas Project
  • Design and Build
  • Metal Works for Building, such as Railing, Cat Walk, Steel Grating, etc.

Vision and Mission


To become a national private company that is well known and trustworthy in the construction service industry, constantly evolving, provide welfare for employees, management, shareholders and other stakeholders through a commitment to good corporate governance and professional.


  1. Build a company culture through the establishment of a good mental and attitude on human resources.
  2. Implement the spirit of continuous improvement (Kaizen) that involves all employees from top-level management to low-level management.
  3. Implement safety and health at work (K3) consciously and consistently as needs and corporate culture.
  4. Train and recruite the right human resources to make a competent, professional, dedicated, and high-spirited manpower according to company culture.
  5. Create a healthy work environment, conducive and kinship so that it becomes a place for the growth of creativity, fighting spirit and unified team within the company.
  6. Establish and refine the Standard Operating Procedure Procedure (SOP) continuously and applies it to all employees through training and discipline.
  7. Optimize the five main pillars of the construction business: Marketing, Operation, Finance, Human Resources, and Information Technology.
  8. Apply the precautionary principle in decision-making and good corporate governance.
  9. Place the Quality, Cost and Time to the highest position as a commitment for customer satisfaction.

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